Rama is born in Raghu kula and he is the son of Dasharatha. He married Seethadevi and led a life of Aegapathini virathan. He kept the promise of his father . He killed a giant called Ravana and saved the people. Ramayana is one of our epics and it includes the incarnations of Rama and his achievements. Sri Rama Navami is celebrated on the day of Vishnu took the avatar of Rama. Every year devotees enjoyed this festival. Before the ten days of Rama's birth and after the ten days of his avatar. So totally people celebrated 20 days of festival. During these days, people took some fasting, bhajans and get the knowledge of Ramayana and Rama’s chievements. For devotees butter milk, panagam, chickpeas and fan will be provided. When Sri Rama spend time with Visuvamitra muni and he went to forest for 14 years, he used to drink only butter milk and panagam. So to recall this, these two are kept for Rama as Neivethyam and provided to the pilgrims. In the temple of Vaishnavas, special ceremony is held for Sri Rama avatar . In houses, people kept dumplings, lentil, butter, payasam for Rama and done poojas. In some houses, they are keep Ramayana books in front of the Rama's photo and do some poojas.
Rama Namam is the best namam among thousand namam of Bhagavan. On Rama Navami day, If we used to say Rama namam and wrote Rama namam means we can get good things. Rama namam is used to purify the heart and used to withdraw the desires and used to get some wisdom of god. It is also used to withdraw ignorance, lust and evil. Sri Rama was born in the world and he shows people how to live and how to behave with neighbours, brothers, parents, wife, husband and childrens.
A British person who does not know our languages, culture, feelings got some blessings. This was happened in 1884. At that time, British ruled Tamil Nadu. Madhurandagam, a place which is next to Chennai having a lake , Collector Bryce came here and he also saw the temple. At that time, heavy rainfall continues for a long time. People get afraid of bursting that took place on lake . At midnight, Collector leaves his shelter to see the lake. Rain water filled the lake fully and it provides a very scary scene. He thought that he came here from his country to this country to die and so he was very afraid. He prayed the Rama to save us and he saw the scene of Rama and Lakshmanan both having bowed and arrow and they are present there to protect the lake without bursting. Lake did not take bursting. Rain also stopped. The collector Bryce was so happy because he got the good result from his prayers. So he had done some charity to that Rama temple. That temple Rama is to be called as “Lake saved God ". The inscriptions can be seen today. In Tamil Nadu, a town and village has Rama temple and no town is seen without Rama temple. In India, there is no place which is not having a sign of living of Rama. From Kashmir to Kanniyakumari, there is no person available without knowing Rama even after having different languages and different cultures.
Jai Sri Ram !